Moderator: KEDIN
It’s 16 episodes. And so I wrote the season finale. And then as the executive producer, I will read all the scripts. I will sometimes run a pen through them and rewrite stuff in the scripts that lots of other really talented writers have worked on. I will watch cuts of the show, I will give notes on whatever I think about performance or score or animation, but they have such an amazing team of people, many of whom are Clone Wars alums like Dave Filoni, who’s as much of a creative voice on the show as anybody. So they put a great team together. They really know what they’re doing. And I will come in, and look at stuff, and give input, and occasionally write episodes. So the first season I’m responsible for writing three episodes—the first two and the last one.
Araxuss napisał(a):Czcionka ziemska, ziemskie nazwy dni tygodnia, ziemskie bazgroły. Poskreślane szturmowce i młodzieżowe obrazeczki. Durne napisy w stylu "loser" itp... brakuje tylko znaczków "XD". to wszystko przypomina mi jakiś żałosny pamiętnik zbuntowanego nastoletniego wampira. Tylko że niby w sw. Niby....
Araxuss napisał(a):Tzn tak, to jest uzasadnione, bo inaczej nikt by tego nie przeczytał. Ale cała idea wydaje się chybiona właśnie z tego powodu. Nie da się tego pogodzić żeby było i zrozumiałe dla dzieci i jednocześnie udające autentyczny przedmiot z sw.
Radok napisał(a):[...] Jak jest ze Star Trekiem? Tamten fandom starzeje się, bo nie ma napływu nowych fanów, a najnowsze filmy jako target traktują istniejący fandom.[...]
Dinuirar napisał(a):Przy czym, widzimy że jednak nie bezpodstawne były obawy co niektórych, że SW zacznie się robić jeszcze bardziej "dziecięce" niż było.
No ale nic. Nikt nie zmusza nas do kupowania tego czegoś.
Hi Guys!
I have some very exciting and ex[c]lusive info about Rebels just for you! I've been lucky enough to watch the entire pilot and I have some things to tell you.
Lets start with the small things. The pilot is indeed 2 regular episodes long, there are wookies in it and Agent Kallus is the main enemy. We don't see the Inquisitor more than in the trailer. I won't tell you anything else about the story, because I don't want to spoil it.
Now, the exciting part: So Agent Kallus. The one, that says "All troopers, focus your fire on… on the Jedi."You were right, he is voiced by David Oyelowo.
Wait, it gets better: Obi-Wan will be in the pilot, but not in the way, you would think. He will, of course, be voiced by James Arnold Taylor.![]()
And now, the Inquisitor. He is voiced by Jason Isaacs. I know. I didn't see that coming either.
So, that's all folks, I hope I gave you some interesting tidbits. : )
Love the show! Bye!
Ezra was born in the first year of the Empire.
Sabine has a way of making her explosions look beautiful.
A Devaronian named Vizago is an underground dealer/crime lord on Lothal.
Obi-Wan does appear in the pilot, but only as a holographic recording.
Kanan is in possession of a holocron.
Apparently, there is a thing called Kessel spice mines (I only knew the Kessel run), but they’ll appear, too.
Lots of Wookiees.
Ezra lives in a radio tower and collects stormtrooper helmets
[...]czy przyprawa - narkotyk o tej konkretnej nazwie - pojawiła się w filmach?
Ever since the Jedi were marked for death and forced to flee Coruscant, Kanan Jarrus has devoted himself to staying alive rather than serving the Force. Wandering the galaxy alone, from one anonymous job to another, he avoids trouble--especially with the Empire--at all costs. So when he discovers a deadly conflict brewing between ruthless Imperial forces and desperate revolutionaries, he's not about to get caught in the crossfire. Then the brutal death of a friend at the Empire's hands forces the ex-Jedi to make a choice: bow down to fear, or stand up and fight.
But Jarrus won't he fighting along. Unlikely allies, including a bomb-throwing radical, a former Imperial surveillance agent, a vengeful security officer, and the mysterious Hera Syndulla--an agent provocateur with motives of her own--team up with Jarrus to challenge the Empire. As a crisis of apocalyptic proportions unfolds on the planet Gorse, they must stand together against one of the Emperor's most fearsome enforcers--for the sake of a world and its people.
RexVao napisał(a):[...] jakie to Imperium jest złe jak zabija rodziców, pali farmy i kopie ludzi za opowiadanie kawałów z Imperatorem w roli głównej. [...] Czemu jest złe? Bo to zło.[...]
RexVao napisał(a):Może zrobią Rebels plus serial aktorski opowiadający o misjach Mary Jade.
She’s funny, creative and impulsive; an artist with spray paint and advanced weapons. She’s also a 16-year-old girl who happens to be flying around the universe, wreaking havoc on the Imperial army. Now you can read the private diary of Sabine Wren, the awesome new heroine of the Star Wars Rebels television series!
Wren is one of the most compelling and interesting female character in Star Wars since Princess Leia! She’s an explosives expert supreme, and a master of advanced weapons. She’s also a crazy artist, gifted at graffiti and sketching. She’s strong, bold, confident, cool – and only 16! Get to know Sabine through her own words and artistic expression in this replica journal filled with sketches, photos of her best work, stories, doodles and her observations of her fellow rebels. In Sabine's own writing, relive events that occur during the first 10 episodes of Star Wars Rebels, plus discover details about Sabine’s life and the rebel team.
hashhana napisał(a):Sabine Wren, the awesome new heroine of the Star Wars
X-Yuri napisał(a):M`y mamy Hash, oni mają Heroine. Spoko : d
Araxuss napisał(a):Obawiam się że mandalorianem to ona będzie tylko z nazwy i z racji posiadania hełmu.
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